Thursday, November 12, 2009

What Does Mucus Look Like In A Plant Can Cat Nip Be Allergic For Kittys?

Can cat nip be allergic for kittys? - what does mucus look like in a plant

Yesterday my cat had a swollen eye and had a lot of mucus. It is the left eye and the lower right corner, there was a clear white area looks infected. I told myself that if it was better in the morning I take him to the vet Wold. His eye was good this morning, except a few biscuits, which I cleaned. But now in the last 5 hours begins again become infected and she squints a little in the eyes. I think she is allergic to something in my place and played with his stripes after a batch has been treated with cut cat. It is only 6-7 weeks would be suspended, Choking cats and anything else that will still be allergic. I plant? The obvious answer is that the cat to the vet to be if you do not react with the answer, if it worsens.

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