Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Does Clonazapam Cause Hair Loss Im Deppressed And Anxious What Should I Do?

Im deppressed and anxious what should i do? - does clonazapam cause hair loss

Hello to all I meet a lot of problems right now and hope I could help. Ive, if not the feeling that my life is going nowhere and that everything collapses. Last night and this morning were the worst. But what happens is that I am a new recipe in the past week for my symptoms (trazodone and welbutron). before they had consumed alcohol (clonazapam, Seroquel), now three days ago I heard of them somw reasons. Then last night, an attack panic and anxiety I had so badly. He quickly caught the meicine and too much water, where it wants to drink Cuz I could vomit. So we still do not know what to do, or whether it is my medication, caused or whether new drugs. Please help!

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